Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Man named Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-bop-bop apprehended at Evergreen State College

Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop is back. The man whose weird/bizarre name made headlines after his arrests in 2012 and 2013 has been apprehended again in Washington.

Zopittybop-bop-bop, 34, is accused of assaulting a college police officer and Washington State sheriff at Evergreen State College, NBC Chicago reported.

According to police, the officer responded to a report that someone was tearing down flyers at the school's library. Zoppittybop-bop-bop fled when the officer arrived, but after a chase the officer was able to tackle him to the ground.

Zoppittybop-bop-bop fought with the officer and attempted to take his gun, according to the local Olympian newspaper. He bit the officer's finger several times and tried to stab him with a pen. The officer used a taser on him twice, but Zoppittybop-bop-bop was still able to flee.

The man then encountered a Thurston County Sheriff's Office deputy, who followed him into a wooded area and struck him several times with a baton, but was still unable to subdue him. He was eventually tackled and arrested by another officer.

Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop, appeared Monday in Thurston County Superior Court on charges of first-degree assault (two counts), third-degree assault, third-degree malicious mischief and malicious harassment. Bail was set at $50,000 with an arraignment set for Feb. 16.

Prosecutor Mark Thompson said he was unable to verify the suspect’s legal name and deferred to his original name, Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. The suspect said in court that he had legally changed his name to Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop in 2011.

Zopittybop-bop-bop legally changed his name from Jeffrey Wilschke in 2011. He told the Wisconsin State Journal in 2013 that "Beezow" represents "the explosion of awareness of the interconnectedness of the infinite love in the universe." "Doo-doo" refers to "the struggle of our daily lives with that awareness, that with love comes chaos." Finally, Zopittybop-bop-bop "is the outcome of that struggle, which is often ironic, especially because all life ends in death."

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